May 16, 2010

BOSCO and Art in The Park!
I was recently accepted into the Boise Open Studio Collective and we're gearing up for a June opening. In case you aren't familiar with BOSCO, it's a group of Boise artists who open their studios so the public can stop by and see where artists do their magic. I'm honored to have been juried in to the group, and thrilled to participate in my first ever BOSCO. Stop by my house June 5th or 6th, open each day from 12-6. My humble studio awaits! Go to for maps. As a side note, I'll be showing some new style boxes that I was inspired to create at an art retreat. These boxes are so incredible that they are the reason I was accepted into 2010 Art in The Park!!


Mary Krumm said...

I met you at Art in the Park on Sunday. I'm the lady who makes altered books and interested in workshops. Congratulations on your acceptance to BOSCO! My neighbor, Barbara Bowling/Louise's Leap Studios is also a member. She crafts beautiful silver and enameled jewelry. The Secret is amazing - it was great to meet you.

belinda said...

Hi Mary! I remember you and look forward to getting a workshop together!